Features :
General description :
The CONV001-CAN-USB works primarly as a bridge between a CAN network
(Controller Area Network) on one side, and an USB port
(Universal Serial Bus) on the other side. In a typical application
CONV001-CAN-USB connects a desktop computer (USB) with one or more
CAN enabled modules.
The CONV001-CAN-USB is meant to control a CNC ready mill or lathe. A RS274/NGC
(G-codes) design is uploaded from a desktop computer and stored in onboard
non volatile memory. With a command from the desktop computer this program
will be processed. CONV001-CAN-USB will send processed information to the
connected CAN modules (e.g. STEPPER001-CAN-USB).
Tasks performed by the CONV001-CAN-USB are : control mill or lath, proces G-codes and send to modules,
send mill or lath status information to desktop computer.
Applications :
Install software :
Download the zipped archive to a suitable (temporary) directory.
Unpack this archive in the same directory. To install the program
double-click on the "insCNC001-CAN-USB-10x.exe" file.
Freeware License Agreement
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